How to get more OnlyFans subscribers with a Marketing Funnel

Turn attention into money

How to get more OnlyFans subscribers with a Marketing Funnel
Photo by Melanie Deziel / Unsplash

I’ve put together a guide on how to get more subscribers to your OnlyFans using a marketing funnel, which is a conceptual model used to illustrate the stages that a potential customer goes through during the process of becoming a paying customer.

Let’s get started.

What is a Marketing Funnel

A marketing funnel represents the journey a person takes from initial awareness of a product or service (your content on social media) to the final purchase (subscribing to your content on OnlyFans) and even beyond into becoming a loyal customer (engagement and retention through an email list).

A Marketing Funnel for Spicy Creators

I have created a diagram of a marketing funnel that has been proven effective by successful spicy creators. It includes detailed information about each step of the process. Awareness through social media.

Step 1 — Awareness through social media

Your content is worthless if no one sees it, and the most effective way to create that awareness is to participate in social media, and this step is especially important if you are just starting out without an audience.

These are the social platforms you should be on, along with my thoughts on each:

  • Instagram — Nowadays, Insta is a hit-and-miss channel because it has become so noisy and crowded. Increasingly, it is becoming difficult to get attention through the algorithm. However, as of this writing, you can leverage Insta’s Reels feature in order to take advantage of the algorithm. The algorithm heavily favors reels as an answer to TikTok’s popularity, so you should target your Insta content to be effective on reels.
  • TikTok — Given TikTok’s viral popularity and immaturity in the social media space, it is a good platform for visual, spicy promotion. Additionally, TikTok’s algorithm is extremely good at getting your content in front of the right audience.
  • Reddit — One of the few platforms that are ok with users posting spicy content, Reddit can be highly effective to gain awareness. Additionally, subreddits allow spicy creators to specifically target niche communities. Creating femdom content? There are several subreddits that will cater to that kink. Given that, you should be aware of the posting rules for the subreddit you are targeting, as each community has its own posting guidelines. Click here for a list of NSFW subreddits to post on.
  • Twitter — Another platform that is ok with users posting spicy content, the nature of Twitter and its algorithm can make your content go viral in front of the right audience. Twitter rewards engagement, so you will often see spicy creators retweeting the tweets of other creators in a similar niche. Additionally, there are certain accounts that retweet niche-specific content that you can post your content in to get more attention. Participate in both, and you should have some success on Twitter.
  • Fetlife — A social network specifically for fetish enthusiasts. If your niche is a BDSM kink, Fetlife is a good network to participate in. Keep in mind that it does not have the viral nature of vanilla social media, but you can target your niche and drive an organic and highly engaged audience into loyal subscribers.
  • Adult-focused sites — although not, strictly speaking, social media, tube sites, and cam sites are another potential marketing channel that can drive awareness to your content.

Your goal is to get attention on social media and have a link in your bio that leads to the next step in the customer journey — a Linktree site with links to your spicy content. Do not link your Onlyfans in your bio. This is important! On many platforms, this is an instant ban. Instead, use a link aggregator tool, like Linktree, or a personal domain that re-routes to your spicy content.

An important consideration when participating in social media is the possibility of getting banned. This is a constant problem for spicy creators who try to promote via social media. Getting shadow banned or outright banned is such a common occurrence that it should be a given that it will happen to you, even if you follow the platform’s terms of service. Creators have attempted to get around this problem by having backup accounts, but I will show you another, better way later in this guide.

Step 2 — Build interest and trust with a potential customer

At this point, a potential subscriber has seen your social media and is curious enough to click on your LinkTree and then your spicy account. Often, spicy creators will just have their paid account. This is perfectly fine.

However, consider having a free Onlyfans account where you can post “sample” content that can tease your potential subscriber. If they are not sufficiently interested in your content at this point, most customers will abort here, but having a free Onlyfans can bridge the gap between the vanilla content you post on Insta versus the uncensored content you will charge subscriptions for, so this step is worth consideration.

Step 3 — Customer makes the decision to subscribe

This is the moment of conversion, where the potential customer becomes an actual customer by subscribing to your content.

Most spicy creators stop here, but that is a mistake.

Step 4 — Engagement and retention

The customer journey does not end at the point of purchase, especially for a paid subscription. In fact, this stage is crucial for fostering subscriber satisfaction, building loyalty, and encouraging upsells. Providing consistent and authentic post-purchase communication can help solidify the relationship with your fans.

A couple of ways to be successful at this step:

  • Post content consistently, at least weekly. Anything less and your subscribers might lose interest and choose not to renew.
  • Chat with your fans. They might have been sold on your content, but they will be loyal to your personality. Be authentic.
  • Upsell. Offer exclusive 1-on-1 chat or pay-per-view content to generate revenue additional to subscriptions.
  • Funnel your fans to an email list. An email list is an easy thing to set up. Your most loyal fans will do so, and it won't matter if you are banned from social media or Onlyfans, you can always send your new social media and spicy accounts to your email subscribers. Basically, you will always have ownership of your fans no matter what and your will never have to start from scratch.


Marketing funnels can vary depending on the industry, target audience, and specific marketing strategies a business employs. The goal of this guide is to show you a marketing funnel that has been used by other successful spicy creators. You should now be ready to implement this process on your own now. Good luck!

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